Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Aubrey!

Aubrey celebrated his first birthday on Saturday, Nov. 7th, 2009. On Friday he celebrated with his school, getting a birthday hat and having muffins. This does mean that he'll be transitioning to a new class soon. I hope I'm ready for that. I'm sure he'll do great....but mommy, on the other hand may need some support.

On Saturday, we had a Lil Quarterbacks First Birthday Party...Longhorn Style. Aubrey had so many of his friends and family turn out to celebrate with him. We had bbq, cake, presents and Longhorn football. We really appreciate everyone who made it out to celebrate with him. Aubrey wasn't too sure about the cake....not sure if it was the taste or the fact that he was about 15 minutes away from needing a good nap!

The Cake and Smash Cake for Aubrey (above) - I LOVED IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO cute!! I love the little cake, it's adorable! Also, the name Abrey for a boy is genius! Congrats on making it through your first year as a mom!