Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'll have to post pictures another day, but real quick I wanted to write about Aubrey's favorite new word..."uh-oh" He pretty much practiced it all day long today. It's pretty darn cute and he says it in the right context too. We went to TCH this morning for a follow up appointment with the clubfoot clinic, all looks good in that regards. No changes right now. His feet have great range of motion and we still have to put him in the shoes at night. That won't change until age three. yipee! After our quick appointment my mom and I took Aubrey to the Tot Spot at the Children's Museum. It was a great day to do something besides work! Aubrey seemed to really enjoy himself there. It's perfect for the little kids...all under age three, with no big kids to run them over. We had lunch there and played outside for a bit. We got some cute pictures, although he was constantly looking around that alot of them include only the side of his face.

Other new words "nana" (banana) "hi" "mama" (but only if he's really sad) "shoes" "nanana" (no no no) "gog" (dog) "dada" or "daddy" and I swear this morning he said "strawberry" and the other day "glasses" I love to hear him beginning to use more words. Okay, gotta head out to bed!

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