Monday, June 14, 2010

our little boy.....

It's hard to believe we have a toddler now. Aubrey is 19 months and has made lots of changes lately. The big thing is his language. He's starting to put words together now and along with saying "no, no, no" he is shaking his head "yes!" We love to hear him talking and communicating more and more with us. He's started asking a few questions "what's that?" and "where's?" It's truly amazing!! The other thing we love is his dancing and singing. He almost seems to get a little embarrased when we laugh and clap at his entertainment.

He is learning to drink from an open cup and unfortunately wants to do this alot in the bath tub. He can use a spoon and a fork for meals too. He is climbing on furniture (the coffee table) and running. He's in the toddler room at childcare and it's been a bit rough on me. I thought I was ready for the move, but it turns out, not so much. Hopefully Aubrey and I will both adjust okay. Aubrey has celebrated alot of birthdays this month, his daddy's and both grandma's. Busy, busy!! We've been to the pool several times and he seems to enjoy the water too. Since it's been so hot, we look forward to many more trips to the pool. He's also been to a few Astros games and can say "baseball."

Here are a few pictures from this month.

1 comment:

Allison said...

He looks so grown up!! What a cutie! My kids still play with the Little People Racin' Ramps Garage everyday too and love it.

Sorry to hear the new class at daycare has been will get better with time. I hate change and it's been tough on me too when the kids start the new school year in a new class/new teacher. Part of it too is not wanting them to grow up! :)